How I've Stayed Married to My Business Partner | BNET: "Shortly after my wife Rina and I met, we decided to go into business together. Our company Philip Stein, sells luxury watches that emit special frequencies designed to lower the stress of the wearer. Rina has a background in the watch retail industry and I have a degree in business, so it seemed like a perfect plan. But working together wasn’t as easy as we’d thought.
We butted heads at almost every opportunity. I am a very disciplined and analytical decision maker, whereas Rina is more emotional and intuitive. When we started out in 2003, we had just three employees, so the time lost in disagreement wasn’t such a big deal. But when our watch was featured on “Oprah” and our product received huge national exposure, we knew we had to find a more effective way of working together if we were going to succeed on a larger scale — and stay married."
Surfacing from his home in Almeria, Gordon Goody, posed for photos and
signed copies of his latest memories at a book launch in Antas.
*[image: Douglas Gordon Goody]THE mastermind behind the Great Train Robbery
is still cashing in on the infamous crime some 60 years on.*
Surfacing from his ...
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